How Can You Store Leftover Paint?

Storing Left Over Paint If you’ve just painted a room or your entire home, chances are you’ve got some leftover paint on your hands. Paint can be difficult to store correctly, but you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the leftovers close by in case you need to touch up your walls.

Not sure how to store your leftover paint? Here’s what you do.

Use containers that are small, clean, easy to open and easy to carry. This makes it a cinch to take care of minor patch-up and touch-up jobs. Transparent containers make it even easier to see what kind of paint is inside. Here’s a creative idea for DIY paint storage that fits the bill.

Make sure the containers are properly labeled with the paint’s name, brand, color and where exactly it was used in the house. Never open multiple jars of paint to figure out what you need again!

Store paint in an area that’s easy to access and not subject to extreme temperature fluctuations that can dry it out. This means not storing it in the garage! Too often, we misplace paint in the garage, and cold winters and hot summers can damage it and eventually render it unusable. If you’re storing paint in smaller, more attractive containers, why not keep it in the hall cupboard on a high shelf?

If your Sunland, California-area home is due for a new paint job, give Richard Stewart Painting a call at 818-951-1181. We’ll have your home freshly painted in no time, at a price you can afford!

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