How to Prepare for Professional Painters

Preparing for professional painters So, you’ve hired professional painters to freshen up your home or business. Congratulations! You’ve made an excellent choice. Now, it’s time to learn how to prepare your home or business for professional painters.

Choose early and choose wisely

It’s a good idea to choose things like paint colors and finishes, as well as exactly which surfaces you’d like painted, before the painters arrive on the job. Keep in mind that very few colors look the same in real life as they do on a computer screen, so test paint chips on the walls and consider them in a variety of lighting situations.

Prep the walls

Make sure your walls are clean and smooth and that any chips are filled before the painters arrive, so you get a flawless finish. If you notice any small repairs that need to be made, arrange them in advance or check with your painter to see if they can be fixed for an additional fee.

Protect your belongings

You want your walls painted – not everything else in the room. Take down photos, mirrors and other wall decorations. Take down curtains and blinds to protect them from splatter, and move furniture either to a storage area or, if you don’t have one, to the center of the room.

Now that you’re prepared to have professional painters come to your home, it’s time to call them and make an appointment!

Sunland, California, home or business owners should give Richard Stewart Painting a call at 818-951-1181 for affordable, friendly painting services!

6 Responses to “How to Prepare for Professional Painters”

  1. Amy Winters

    Thanks for pointing out that we should remove all wall decorations, curtains, and blinds to make sure they’re protected from paint splatter. My husband and I want to redecorate our home, so we’re currently looking for a professional home painting service to paint the walls for us. I wasn’t sure if we should do any prep before they arrive, so thanks for sharing these helpful details!

  2. Sam Li

    I like what you said about making sure the walls are clean and smooth prior to hiring a commercial painter. I would say that finding the right painting service is an invaluable asset to any business facility. If I were to need painting done on a commercial scale, I would do my research to find the best choice in my area.

  3. Callum Palmer

    I’m going to be getting my interior repainted sometime soon. As you said here, it would be best to cover my belongings so that stray paint doesn’t get on them. I’ll also be sure to hire a professional so that way, I can be sure that the painting will be done properly and on time.

  4. Laurel Larsen

    I liked your tip to check paint chips on walls and under different lighting conditions before picking it. I just bought my first house and I’ve been wanting to get the walls repainted, but I’ve been having some issues with the colors. Thanks for letting me know to test the color under different lighting!

  5. Michaela Hemsley

    I like that you said that it’s smart to choose what color of paint you’d like as well as where you would like to have it go before the professionals arrive. My mom is thinking about having some of the walls in her home painted because right now they look dull since they’re older and the color has faded. I’ll have to help her pick out the right color of where it would look best soon so that when she hires painters they can get to work as soon as possible.

  6. Vanguard Painting

    I was looking for this information relating to how to prepare for professional painters. You have really eased my work, loved your writing skill as well. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly. Please keep sharing more!


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